It has been awhile since my last post (do all my posts start out that way?) Well, there are so many things about Jack and Madelynn right now that I want to remember, I figured I better get it all down.
In the past several weeks these two have become very verbal, they are suddenly speaking in sentences at times and have several key, absolutely adorable, phrases.
"what up to guys?" when she enters a room.
"this is mine," to every single item in our house, no matter who it actually belongs to, now it is Jack's, according to Jack.
He also says, "mommy where are you" when he runs off to hide and then bursts into uncontrollable giggles when he sees me coming around the corner to tickle him. Maddy likes to reenact stories for me. One day, several weeks ago, the dog jumped over the couch and accidentally scratched Jack's face. Maddy likes to tell this story, with actions on a daily basis. It must have made a real impact on her to witness that!
They are having a blast right now playing with their new play kitchen from Santa. They cook things all day long, and use their little oven mits because things are "super hot" when they come out of the oven. They love to pretend to eat the creations they have made and "mixing things up" is their favorite task. They have also started to have quite the parties in their bedroom when it is time to go to sleep. Luckily, they are still in cribs (riding that one out as long as possible) but they throw all of their pillows and blankets out of their cribs, squeal and chatter back and forth to each other and jump as hard as they can on their beds. Sometimes I listen at the door to hear what they are saying to each other. The other day Maddy was telling Jack, "shhh, hear momma, go night night now." Oh boy.
Jack has spent the night a couple of times with Auntie Cait, which he loves. I think they do enjoy some time apart from each other, although they ask where the other one is the whole time. Maddy hasn't wanted to go yet but sometime soon she will have a turn for a sleepover with auntie Cait as well.
Mealtimes have become an absolute insane struggle in our household. Particularly dinner. Our previously wonderful eaters have become less interested in eating dinner and more interested in throwing forks, plates, splashing their hands in their milk and banging on the table with silverware. Honestly, these are the moments Brad and I look at each other and wonder how we stay insane. Maybe we haven't? I just remind myself that like all the parenting challenges we have faced up until now, this too shall pass :) And in the mean time I have occasionally used bribery so that I may have one single second of a normal meal time.
Jack has been spending a lot of time in the garage with Brad, fiddling with scrap wood, wearing his safety glasses, playing with the tape measure and clamps. Maddy goes out there occasionally but she prefers to stay inside where she dresses and undresses her dolls, paints pictures or reads books. She can sometimes become very bossy so we have to remind her how to say things nicely. She does not hesitate to let Jack know what she thinks about what he is doing. Jack is such a great brother. He is always making sure "add" gets to come too (that is what he calls her) and if he has a snack "add" must have one too and "add" must come with him wherever her goes.
They still keep us constantly busy, amazed and entertained.
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