Monday, April 14, 2014

3 and a half

Over the past several months I have looked at Jack and Maddy and, they're not babies anymore.  Jack still has some of the cute little baby chubbiness on his wrists and thighs, but aside from that they are tall, lean, active, smart, amazing little people that keep us busy and on our toes at all times.  Jack is all boy...he prefers to be collecting sticks, digging in the dirt or sand, or riding around the house in his "motorcycle."  He loves to play out in the shop with Brad and builds things out of scrap wood.  Madelynn is all girl, she insists on picking out her own outfits (apparently pants are out of the question...skirts and dresses are all this girl will wear) and she likes to mother other people, play teacher and can have a book memorized after only hearing it once.  She is also very into building things and has been creating 3D pictures with paper and builds quite the houses and towers with blocks. 

They say things that make time stand still, for just a moment, and I think to myself how incredibly lucky I am to have them, to be their mother and to live each day with them.  Then, when there are moments when I think I might pull my hair out (there are a lot of those these days), I try to remember the moments that make me want to keep them small forever.  Jack has started calling me his "little mommy,"  and when he asks to hold my hand or puts his little arms around my neck I just want to keep him there forever.  Madelynn has a very strong personality and uses phrases like "we shall," or "I would like one as well," and told me the other day that she wants to be called "Madelynn Erin Adsit lady." 

They have both decided that without a doubt, they need a younger sibling.  They talk about it every day and get in arguments over whether they would have a brother or a sister.  Madelynn's solution is that I should have three babies-one for her, one for Jack and one for me :)  We will see about that!

Here are some pictures...